Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cold Weather Wedding Attire Ideas

Fall and Winter weddings can be so beautiful! Many people hesitate to hold their wedding during these two seasons due to the colder temperatures. Fortunately for those of you who are considering stepping out and being bold in the winter, there are some gorgeous ways to stay warm and beautiful!

 This bride looks beautiful in her birdcage veil and cropped fur coat. It is easy to take off when indoors, but also compliments her dress wonderfully while worn outdoors.

 The fur cover up in this picture is gorgeous and the bride seems to be relatively warm, along with the use of the full arm gloves. Her ensemble looks great with those red flowers that pop amongst the white in the background and her gown.

 These ladies look absolutely adorable with their matching fur jackets. The colors also compliment each other well.
Cozy, cozy, cozy! This bride looks beautiful and warm and her head piece is a beautiful addition to the over all look.

Are you on the fence about picking a wedding date? Consider the winter! Cold weather is no longer an excuse for not having a winter wedding! Not only are the costs typically lower, but there are so many gorgeous ideas and themes that can be used!

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