Friday, June 21, 2013

Budget Saving Tips: Hidden Costs (Part II)

Here is part two of some of the hidden costs of weddings.

1. Alterations
Many brides plan for the cost of the dress and even their accessories but they often forget the cost of alterations. Be sure to check with the store about their fees for alteration in advance and keep that in mind when making your alterations decisions. Here are some questions to consider: Do they have a flat fee? Do they charge depending on the amount of work required? How long will it take for them to complete? Are alterations done in house or is there a third party involved?
2. Cake Cutting Fees
Some venues/caterers charge extra for cutting the cakes for you. Many will only charge you if you purchase your cake elsewhere. The cake cutting fees can range between $1 and $3 per person. It is important to ask your venue/caterer if they charge for this in advance.
 3. Feeding Your Vendors
Although they are on the clock and you are already paying them, it is customary to provide food for your vendors. Some people just purchase additional plates from their caterers at a discounted rate, some purchase completely different food and have it housed in a separate room. This is completely up to you, but it is something you should consider when planning and budgeting!
4. Minimums/Maximums
Make sure you are aware of the minimums and maximums required by the catering company. If less guests come than you planned for you will still be responsible to pay for those plates. Likewise, if more guests show up than you planned for you will have to cover those plates as well and they may have an additional cost.
5. Parking
Does your venue charge for parking? It is very easy to overlook this cost in all of the busyness of planning the wedding. If there is a charge for parking make sure to plan to pay for that in advance for your guests so they will not have to worry about it. Most guests do not come to weddings planning to pay for parking.

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