Monday, June 10, 2013

Budget Saving Tips: Hidden Costs (Part I)

Budget conscious brides and grooms often overlook the little extras that may be included in the fine print of contracts or that are just forgotten during the initial planning stages. Be sure to consider the following when planning for your wedding or event! Also, remember to check back for more tips!

1. Postage Stamps

When considering stationary such as invitations and save the dates, we often overlook the cost of having those items shipped to us. Stationary stores do not typically include the cost of shipping in the prices they have posted. It is also easy to forget the cost of postage to send those invites and save the dates out. Often when selected the big, pretty, unique items the fact that those items will also cost more to send eludes many brides. Large, square, bulky invites could cost $2 or more to ship just one! Imagine having to ship out 100 of those at $2 a piece.

2. Taxes and Gratuities

This area can take a large chunk out of your wedding budget, especially if you have not properly planned and budgeted in this area. The cost of taxes will vary depending on the details of the contract and the amount of money you are spending. You should also have tip money on hand during of the event for many of your service providers. 

3. Wedding Party Gifts

When planning weddings people tend to think only of the costs directly associated with the day of the event. What about those lovely people assisting you in the process? Paying hundreds of dollars for their attire and maybe travel for your big day, along with any other wedding associated expenses like the bachelorette/bachelor party, bridal shower, etc. You do not want to forget to do a little something special to thank those individuals for standing with you the day of and all they may have done leading up to your big day. Be sure to create a workable budget for gifts. Some experts suggest having a per person budget (i.e. $45 per person). Make sure you factor in gift wrapping and shipping if you are ordering online. 

4. Overtime

Most wedding vendors provide their services/products for a set amount of time (on average for about 4 hours). If you know in advance that you are going to turn your reception into a true party lasting late into the night make arrangements with your vendors ahead of time. For last minute changes, make sure you know exactly how much they will charge you per hour before consenting to more time. 

 5. Uninvited Guests

When planning a wedding the guest list is commonly an area of controversy and compromise. You should also plan for it to be an area of flexibility. Things happen and some guests may not be able to come last minute, some guests will be unsure from the beginning and decide to come last minute, and some guests will bring additional guests that you did not specifically invite. Make sure you allow a little wiggle room for those uninvited guests in your catering plans, seating options, etc.  

More tips coming soon!

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